Why You Should Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Prolonged exposure to blue light can cause myriad health problems including digital eyestrain and macular degeneration, which could potentially lead to blindness. Moreover, researchers at Harvard say that people who are exposed to blue light while working the nightshift are at a greater risk of developing depression, diabetes, obesity and heart disease. The main sources of blue light emission in today’s world include the sun, electronic devices, lighting options such as LED and fluorescent lighting, as well as digital screens such as laptops, televisions, smartphones and tablets fortunately, blue light blocking glasses block blue light, so they can help prevent these problems. Below is some more information on this topic.

An Overview of Blue Light

Blue light falls at the tail end of the visible light spectrum next to the non-visible light spectrum. It has short wavelengths that range from 380nm to 500nm. High-energy visible wavelengths (HEV), such as blue light, flicker more readily than light with long wavelengths. Because of this, HEV creates a glare that reduces visual contrast, clarity and sharpness. However, it is worth noting that blue light has some health benefits, too. For instance, research has shown that it boosts alertness, helps memory and cognitive functions as well as helps to regulate the circadian rhythm.

LED Technology and Blue Light

Unfortunately, modern electronic devices including laptops, smartphones and tablets leverage LED technology, which emits strong blue light, to enhance clarity and brightness. This means that people are increasingly being exposed to blue light. For instance, two studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014 found that about three-quarters of American children aged 12 to 15 years spend at least two hours every day using a computer and watching television. Another study revealed that 43% of American adults work in a job that requires prolonged use of a computer or tablet.

Blue Light Blocking Glasses

According to a Harvard medical study, blue light can cause vision problems by destroying the retina. For this reason, you should protect your eyes from blue light. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is to wear blue-blocking glasses. Initially developed for the NASA space program, blue-blocking glasses filter HEV light, thereby preventing it from reaching the retina. This is particularly important because the human eye cannot naturally block out HEV. Besides protecting the retina from damage, blue-blocking glasses also help to prevent digital strain, improve sleep quality, especially for shift workers and boost melatonin production.


The sources of blue light emission have increased over the years due to the proliferation of electronic devices that use LED technology. Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to blue light can cause vision problems, as well as harm your general health. Fortunately, blue-blocking glasses can protect you from the harmful effects of blue light.

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