Everything You Needed To Know About Insurance Fraud Investigations

The insurance industry is one of the largest sectors that contribute greatly towards the growth of the economy because of the fact that it stimulates growth confidence amongst investors and ensures the continuity of businesses. In the UAE alone, the insurance industry consists of more than 7,000 companies with an annual premium collection of over $400 billion. Many experts say that the massive nature of this industry could be the main reason the cost of insurance fraud is plummeting every year. While the significant role played by insurance cannot be understated, the industry sweeps away millions from average citizens on

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Crucial Things That Businesses Don’t Get Right When Doing Corporate Investigations In UK

Most businesses throughout the UK are committing their resources to corporate investigations whenever they notice even the slightest possibility of white-collar crime. Whereas businesses are always quick to initiate investigations as soon as they detect anything suspicious in their operations, there are many things that lots of businesses don’t always get right while doing their investigations. Without further ado, here is a quick run-down of some of the things that most UK businesses hardly get right while doing their corporate investigations UK. Failing to understand the actual scope of their corporate investigations While most companies are quick to call for

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