Plastic Free Drink Bottles

Red tea, caffeine-free but rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and magnesium, is even considered a long-life elixir because, thanks to these characteristics, it improves the appearance of the skin and reduces free radicals.

Even yellow tea, like blue, is a type of semi-fermented tea, whose leaves during the process take on a characteristic yellow color. The main component of this tea is theobromine, a natural stimulant of the brain and nerve centers that performs an effective diuretic and vasodilator action. In addition, yellow tea seems to promote blood circulation and help reduce cholesterol.

Rare, poorly fermented and light in flavor, white tea is characterized by other teas mainly due to the way it is created: in fact, the buds of the tea plant are used and not the actual leaves. This particular type of tea is very valuable because it appears to be able to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, preventing strokes counteract oral bacteria. White tea is usedAto also in low-calorie diets because it increases metabolism and is a natural energizer.

Flavored tea is nothing more than an infusion based on black or white tea to which special aromas are added, such as citrus fruits, red fruits, flowers or spices. For example, tea flavored with red fruits is ideal for those who want to strengthen the lymphatic system and reduce the onset of capillaries, cinnamon helps quell menstrual pain and mint to facilitate digestion.

Moringa or Moringa Oleifera tea is considered an excellent natural multivitamin drink: it contains almost 100 useful substances for our body, half of which are antioxidants. Moringa tea is perfect for those who need to take iron and calcium and is very useful as an energizer to take in the morning using Plastic Free Drink Bottles.

Lemon balm, added to a base of black tea, is ideal for promoting night rest. Not only that, its great tranquilizing properties mean that Melissa tea is indicated as anti-nausea, stress and anxiety.

Herbal teas and infusions are the protagonists of the autumn and winter afternoons and evenings of many of us. There are some for all tastes: relaxing, slimming, draining, purifying, digestive or insomnia teas, for example. These have beneficial properties to distinguish them and it is for this reason that they can be chosen according to your needs.

The herbal teas are prepared with herbs or spices for infusion in hot water and, although someone gets confused, these differ from infusions and decoctions for some details. Let’s find out more about the infusions and herbal teas of well-being, the various types and all the benefits of Plastic Free Drink Bottles brings.

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