Long-term Weight Loss With Bariatric Surgery Sydney

If you have been looking for bariatric surgery Sydney we are here to help. This medical procedure aims to reduce the amount of food you can take as well as nutrient absorption in the body. Undergoing bariatric surgery will dramatically improve obesity-related conditions as well as restoring your self-esteem. Our team of friendly clinicians will walk with you through the difficult decisions, the surgical procedure and recovery period.

Our Services

Our medics are specialized in several bariatric surgery procedures to help you lose weight.

Roux-en Y: in this procedure, we will carefully divide your stomach into two pouches. Your small intestine is also subdivided and the lower part joined to the upper pouch of the stomach. This is commonly known as gastric bypass.

Sleeve gastrostomy: we perform this procedure if you are adversely obese or have serious obesity-related conditions. Most of the stomach will be removed.

Gastric banding: rather than removing part of your stomach, we tie an elastic band on the upper opening to the stomach. This creates a small pouch that can only hold small amounts of food. The band can be adjusted through a silicone port attached to the skin.

Related Procedures: we also perform minimum-invasive surgeries to help you check your weight. These include gallstone surgery, anti-reflux surgery, and hernia repair among others. We carry out a comprehensive assessment before determining the most appropriate procedure to undertake.

What to Expect

Bariatric surgery is not an impromptu procedure that we will carry out on your first day of the appointment. If you qualify for surgery after the initial assessment, we will carry out various lab tests to ascertain the applicability of the procedure. We will then advise you on dietary and lifestyle restrictions depending on the type of surgery.

We use laparoscopic surgery in most of the cases. This means our procedures are minimally invasive which results in faster recovery. However, how applicable laparoscopic surgery depends on the patient and type of surgery. Expect to spend at least one night in hospital after the surgery.

Eating will be highly restricted after bariatric surgery to allow the digestive system some time to heal. We will then advise you on the types of drinks and soft foods to take during recovery. Our exercise physiologists will also guide you through the necessary exercises to aid in your recovery.

Deciding to undertake bariatric surgery Sydney should no longer be a challenge as we are here to guide you. We maintain high professional standards to ensure the success of each procedure. Contact us today to achieve your long-term weight loss goal.

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