The interest rate is the price that the financial institution will charge for lending you the money for Cash Flow Finance in NZ. Before deciding, compare different offers, but do not focus only on the nominal interest rate, but on the APR, (more accurate if you examine loans with the same repayment period).
The APR is a somewhat complex calculation that includes the nominal interest rate and the commissions that can be applied to your loan, taking into account the term of the operation. It is a much more reliable indicator of the real cost of the loan.
Some loans may have a low nominal interest rate, but many commissions for other concepts (opening, cancellation, partial amortization, study). If we add all the concepts, we can discover that a loan at 3% of nominal interest is more expensive than another at 5%, but with less commissions, for example.
Whoever hires a personal loan offers as collateral all his assets, present and future. Personal loans are differentiated from mortgage loans by the guarantee that the credit institution has in case of default on Cash Flow Finance in NZ.
Whoever takes out a personal loan offers as collateral all his assets, present and future, which, depending on the case, can be many or few. The owner of a mortgage loan offers, in addition to the personal guarantee, the mortgaged real estate itself, which will become the property of the bank in case of default.
As a consequence of this greater risk on the part of banks and savings banks, personal loans tend to have a higher interest rate and a shorter amortization period than mortgage loans. That is, they are more expensive and we have less time to return them. The amount borrowed is also much lower than what can be received in a mortgage loan.
In any case, customers with high balances in accounts of the same entity and houses and other property owned, will have more chance of obtaining loans with more favorable conditions than those without much net worth.
Before granting a loan, the credit institution will conduct a feasibility study to assess its ability to pay. This study is similar to the elaboration of your personal budget. It mainly covers your monthly income and your payment commitments as other outstanding debts, including balances of credit cards, to estimate if you will be able to pay the monthly installments of the loan without difficulties.