Why A Personal Loan Is A Good Idea

A personal loan is an unsecured loan that will help you meet your current financial obligations. The loans do not require a pledge of any security or collateral. Personal loans are used with flexibility, and one can use based on his/her needs. They are the solution to manage your travelling costs, emergencies, home renovations, debt consolidation and wedding expenses. Most economists have debated on personal loans as a good or bad idea. This solely depends on how you use the loan.

Here are some of the circumstances, which can make these loans a good idea.

Consolidate credit cards

When you have more than one credit card that highly charges, you can get a personal loan to merge all the payments to a single monthly payment. This makes a personal loan more appealing as the interest rates applied on these loans can be lower compared to annual percentage rates applied to your credit cards.

Refinance student loans

Refinancing a student loan is a relief as the student loans interest rates may be 6.8% higher; however, depending on the type of loan. Getting this loan will enable you to settle your student loan becomes a good idea, primarily when issued at lower interest rates. Use a personal loan to pay student loans to evade interest rates applied such as deferment fee and forbearance.

Pay for your wedding

Large events where a wedding may render you bankrupt and set you to debts. You may end up putting associated charges to your credit cards that you may not manage to settle within a month. Here taking a private loan is advisable as its interest rates are lower compared to credit cards rates.

Improving your credit score

A private loan can essentially help you score in three major ways. First, if you have a credit card debt, a personal loan may help you. Secondly, a personal loan can potentially lower your credit utilization ratio-amount of credit you use compared to your credit limit. Lastly, it can help you reduce the total credit that you are using and have a better score. Having a private loan increases your total amount to use.

Financing purchases

Here it depends on what you want to buy. Getting a loan and settling your seller once is better than buying your product in hire purchase terms. However, take time to make the right decision on the type of product you want to buy.

In summary, personal loans are a good idea when used appropriately. However, when misused, they will end up putting you in massive debts.

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