Best And Safest Cat Transport Methods

Not many cats like to travel in cars, and if you’re relocating sometime soon, then you will need a few pointers as to how to get your family pet to enjoy the trip just as much as you do. Even though it might not seem like it, all the packing, as well as your mood, will give your cat an idea that something out of the ordinary is happening.
This can be very stressful for family pets, but with the few best and safest Cat Transport methods outlined below, moving your cat to your new home will be a great experience for him/her, and prevent a lot of unnecessary stress as well.

Prepare your cat before the trip — if you’re planning on transporting your cat in a crate, then take some time, well in advance of your move, to allow your cat to get used to the crate. Make it as comfortable as possible by putting a blanket inside, a couple of toys, as well as a treat or two, to encourage your cat to go inside the crate on his/her own. Leave the door open to allow your cat to come and go as he/she pleases. This will help your cat to become accustomed to the new environment, so when the time comes to leave, he/she will be quite happy and comfortable being closed up inside the crate he/she during the trip.

On moving day — your cat will pick up your emotions, so be as happy and up-beat as possible. Also, your cat might choose moving day to go wandering, so prevent this from happening by putting him/her in a closed room when the loading of the truck starts. Put his/her litter box is in the room as well, and see that fresh water is available at all times. Your cat should have food to eat during this time too, but remove it about four hours before you leave, to avoid your cat having an accident in the crate while traveling.

You can make your cat’s trip even more enjoyable if the bedding you put in the crate is an old t-shirt of yours, which will make him/her feel close to you during the trip. Steer clear of blankets with loose-weave or holes, as your cat’s claws could become caught up in it, and cause a lot of unnecessary distress.

When you arrive at your new home

The long trip could cause your cat to become disoriented and want to run away, so under no circumstances should you open the crate until you are inside your new home. Once you’re inside and have closed the door, then you can open the crate and let your cat out, preferably in a separate room, with food, water, and litter tray. Your cat should be left in this room for at least eight days after you move in, before being allowed out to investigate the new surroundings.

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