Dentists can clean your teeth, treat cavities and make sure that the soft tissues in your mouth are in good health. It is important for all people to visit the dentist at least twice a year. Doing so is one of the best things that you can do to protect the overall health and integrity of your smile. For all other oral health issues, however, consumers should turn to Carlingord Orthodontics.
What An Orthodontist Does
An orthodontist is not a dentist. This professional specializes in the alignment and structural integrity of the teeth. An orthodontist in Carlingord can correct maxillofacial issues such as cleft pallet and congenital defects of the jaw. Moreover, if you have large gaps between your teeth, overlapping teeth, teeth that are crooked or teeth that are severely misaligned, this is the professional you want to see.
Restoring A Normal, Healthy Bite
Although your teeth may be clean, fresh-smelling and cavity free, you have to have alignment issues corrected if you want to preserve the integrity of your natural tooth structures throughout the years. When you have a normal, healthy bite, bite forces are balanced all throughout the mouth. This means that no single tooth is sustaining a disproportionate amount of wear when you bite off and chew your food. If you have misaligned, improperly spaced or overlapping teeth, however, some of these structures can chip, crack or develop stress fractures over time. Misaligned teeth also have a higher likelihood of cavities and decay, which means that not having alignment issues correct can also put you at greater risk for tooth loss.
Protecting The Health Of Your Gums
Surprisingly, alignment issues can also impact the health of the soft tissues in your mouth. This is especially true if the teeth are too close together or actually overlapping. It can be difficult to effectively floss and clean in between these structures. Moreover, the gums can have a hard time holding their intended positions. As a result, people can begin to develop problems like mouth odors, gingivitis and advanced periodontal disease which can ultimately lead to bone infections and widespread tooth loss.
What Carlingord Orthodontics Can Do For You
An orthodontist can assess the overall layout of you mouth and recommend a variety of strategies for resolving your alignment issues. With a comprehensive treatment plan, you can gain a healthy, balanced bite and minimize the wear and tear on your natural teeth. These treatments can include metal braces, clear, plastic braces, retainers, spacers and many other dental appliances. The right treatment will give you an attractive and structurally sound smile that you can feel proud of.