6 Factors To Consider When Selecting Project Management Courses

According to data published by the Standish Group, less than a third of all projects initiated across the US corporate landscape were completed without exceeding budgetary allocation and on time. As such, 97% of organizations surveyed by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) say that project management is critical to organizational success. This has made qualifies project managers highly sought after professionals. Luckily, you can join this profession after completing training. Here are factors to consider when choosing a project management course.


Select a course that provides certification from a reputable certification body. Well-respected certifications include Certified Project Manager (CPM) and Certified Project Director (CPD).


After verifying the reputation of certifying body, check the eligibility requirements to ensure you qualify to enroll. Although these requirements vary, most courses require applicants to have undergone the relevant training and have some form of experience in the same field as well. For instance, you are likely to require a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent to enroll in a Master of Project Management course. This is in addition to at least three years working experience although this is not standard across board.


Besides certification and eligibility requirements, evaluate the cost of the entire course. This includes the cost of study materials, coursework, exams, and certification. Fortunately, most of the institutions that offer these courses also provide detailed breakdown of course expenses.


If you are an executive with a busy schedule, select a course that is flexible. This means a course that allows busy students to proceed at their own pace and is accessible online. Such flexibility means you do not have to attend classes at a specific location neither rush to complete the course.

Course outline

Before enrolling, check the course outline to ensure it suits your needs. This is because some project management courses are industry-specific (not suitable for everyone). The course curriculum includes subjects such as business analysis planning, chaos theory, project leadership, project risk management, project planning, project initiation, as well as project execution, monitoring, and control. Nevertheless, these subjects vary from one learning institution to the next.

Course timeline

It is also wise to consider the length of time required to complete the course. This ranges from a few weeks to several months depending on the scope, coursework, and eligibility requirements. Normally, courses that admit students without prior project management experience last longer than courses that admit experienced applicants.


Some of the main factors to consider when looking for a suitable project management course include cost, certification, course timeline, flexibility, course outline, and eligibility requirements.

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