Blue Light Blocking Glasses For Better Quality Sleep

As something that we spend almost one third of our lives doing, sleep is obviously pretty important. Seeing bright lights at night, particularly from electronics, can do serious damage to sleep schedules. For those who can’t, or don’t want to, avoid bright light, a blue light filter is a great solution. Read on to learn about the way blue waves impair sleep, and how blue light blocking glasses can help.

Basic Sleep Physiology

Within the human body, there is a biological clock known as the circadian rhythm. It is mainly controlled by the endocrine system, which makes and releases hormones in the body. It causes cortisol levels to rise in the morning to make us feel alert. Cortisol peaks in the afternoon and slowly declines as it is replaced by melatonin, the hormone that makes us feel sleepy.

The Problem with Bright Light

Light from the sun dictated the sleep schedules of traditional people. Even today, light affects the levels and secretions of sleep-controlling hormones — particularly blue waves. Bright light elevates moods and heightens awareness during the day; however, at night, it suppresses melatonin and disrupts sleep.

In the modern world, blue light is rarely more than an arm’s reach away. Most people have smartphones, and even televisions emit blue waves that impact hormone release. Think the light that comes from your devices doesn’t look very blue? This bright light is called “short-wavelength-enriched.” This means that even if it does not look blue, it contains a higher concentration of blue waves than natural light does.

Biological clock shifts can be detrimental to overall health. In addition to impacting wakefulness and sleep, these malfunctions also affect the activities of individual organs. Studies show that disrupted circadian rhythm, along with too little or low quality sleep. can lead to various diseases, including depression, cancer, and diabetes.

An Easy Solution: Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Unlike blue waves, warmer light has a much milder affect on melatonin release. This is clear in nature: sunsets give off a warmer light shade that would have prompted a caveman to go to sleep. When people see less blue waves at night, melatonin rises uninhibited and allows them to feel relaxed.

Although we do not always have control over the lights in our environments, we can fight bright light with blue light blocking glasses. Wearing eyewear is an easy alternative to downloading blue wave filtering apps on phones and computers. Additionally, glasses work with lights that an app cannot, like fluorescent lighting and televisions.

Researchers continue to link sleep with overall health, and light with sleep schedules. For a convenient way to reset circadian rhythms, try blue light blocking glasses.

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