An Insight Into Spider Veins Doctors

Spider veins are also known as telangiectasias, are tiny blood vessels with dilations near the skin surface or membranes such as the mucous membrane. These blood vessels with dilation often develop in any body part but are typical in the region around the chins, nose, and cheeks. Although Telangiectasia can develop on the legs, they result in venous reflux, which is also referred to as varicose vein. Telangiectasia occurs typically on the upper region of the thigh, but can also develop beneath the knee joint and on the areas of the ankle. Individuals with telangiectasias can seek assistance from doctors specialized in peripheral vascular disease or vein care. Such physicians are customarily known as phlebologist or vascular surgeons. Moreover, venous conditions can also be attended to with an interventional radiologist. Herein is an insight into spider veins doctor.

Prevalence of Spider Veins Doctor, spider and varicose veins can develop in both men and women of different age. However, the condition is more prevalent to childbearing and older women. Families with a history of spider veins development are often at risk of developing telangiectasias condition. Moreover, telangiectasias are common and have a global distribution.

Causes of Spider Veins

Currently, there is limited information regarding the origins of telangiectasias. The area is not well understood. For example, in cases of weakness or absence of a valve in the veins that usually prevent blood from flowing backwards and away from the heart, may result in poor circulation. In alternative instances, vein walls weakness may also result in blood pooling. However, spider veins are infrequently caused by conditions including phlebitis, which is a venous inflammation, or congenital anomalies of the veins. Although venous conditions are progressive, they cannot be prevented from developing entirely. Nevertheless, in some particular instances, maintenance of normal body weight, regular exercise, and putting on of support hosiery can be of significance.


Prior to any therapy of leg Telangiectasia , duplex ultrasonography should be conducted. The assessment criteria will help distinguish telangiectasias from venous reflux or varicose veins. The gold standard for the treatment of Telangiectasia is sclerotherapy, which is preferred over laser surgeries. Treatment commences with the injection of a sclerosant into the affected vein to harden and aid in shrinking of the abnormal vascular dilation. After the treatment procedure, one might experience mild effects, including itching, that can continue for around two days.


Although treatment is not necessarily required for most of the cases as most are cosmetic conditions, one should consider seeking for treatment of severe cases of spider and varicose veins. If you are uncertain of the severity of telangiectasias, consult your physician or dermatologist.

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