Things To Consider Before Buying Any Jewelry.

Someone will react to jewelry in one or two days after wearing it. The best way to avoid jewelry reaction is to be well informed in terms of the number of carats it contains and know allergy safe jewelry. The reaction signs are normally; itching, rash, redness, rash, dry patches, and the skin may swell. There may also blister formation that might break while leaving scales and crusts on the skin.
When shopping for jewelry the following things should be done to ensure allergy safe jewelry;

Using a metal testing kit

Metal testing kits help one figure out the purity of jewelry. Testing is done by dropping a solution onto a cotton ball then rubbing it on the jewelry. If the solution changes color, then the jewelry contains some metal that may cause allergy.

Avoid leather jewelry

Leather jewelry like hand bands may react to people with sensitive skin because the metal is used in the tanning process that makes the leather stretchable. One’s skin may also react when it comes into contact with a leather handbag or other garment because the traces of metal used in the leather may come in direct contact with your skin.

Avoid nickel

Jewelry with nickel should be avoided because it will definitely cause the skin to react especially for people with sensitive skin. Nickel is used in making a lot of jewelry because it’s affordable, durable, and has a high polish. When nickel is exposed to areas that sweat a lot or have a lot of moisture it erodes and irritates the area especially rings because of washing hands or sweat.

Invest in high-quality jewelry

When buying jewelry, consider investing in high quality and also consider the long term effect. High-quality jewelry definitely has few metals added to it. One should also be careful with jewelry that comes into contact with the flesh especially tongue rings or nose rings.

This is because if this jewelry reacts with your skin, it may cause serious infections. When buying nose rings or tongue rings, it’s important to check if it has been labeled surgical, meaning it safe to use for any form of piercing. When using this form of jewelry, clean it regularly.

Some of the home remedies when your skin has reacted to jewelry are;
Apply wet compresses to help dry the blister and reduce the itching, use calamine lotion to help soothe the affected area and also to ease the itching and also moisturize the skin often.

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