The Perks Of Epoxy Floors NYC Installations

Epoxy floors NYC are highly popular solutions for commercial garage and kitchen applications. These types of places deal with several challenges every day. They need a floor that can keep up with their tasks and not something that will get damaged in these environments. Epoxy is a hard coating that goes on top of concrete to enhance surface quality and provide multiple benefits. Some of these are listed below:


These floors are waterproof so you will not have trouble with soaking, warping, and other forms of damage because of this persistent liquid. It can last much longer than hardwood in a perennially wet environment. It will also do better than tiles. Any spills will stay at the top so you can just mop it up and let the surface air-dry. For instance, car will need washing from time to time to remove the dirt and grime accumulated from the roads. Kitchens need to wash ingredients, pots, and dishes. The floor is almost always wet. An epoxy floor will shrug all these off.


Mold loves wet environments. They thrive and spread quickly under the right conditions. This can be dangerous to the health of people who stay in these places. Exposure to high levels of spores result in toxicity, allergies, and respiratory ailments. The good news is that epoxy floors are mold-proof. You won’t have to worry about this problem. It’s a great option compared to tiles which often get mold along the grout lines and even on the tile surfaces.


Epoxy is also stain-proof which is a relief for those who need to deal with a variety of chemicals every day. It is common for oil and grease to spill over to the floor when working on cars. An surface that is prone to stains will quickly look unsightly and dated. Epoxy floors will prevent these liquids from seeping through so that any liquid can be wiped off without leaving a residue. It is incredibly easy to clean such that it will look brand new even after many years.

Glossy Finish

Indeed, epoxy floors have a glossy finish that will shine whenever light hits the surface. This makes the entire area glow and feel bigger. Customers will come in every day and marvel at how tidy everything is despite the difficulties of car repairs. Kitchen staff will feel good working in a space that look clean and tidy.

Talk to epoxy floors NYC installers to discuss your project requirements.

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