Ingredients To Look For In The Best Acne Products

Acne is not something you can wake up and say goodbye to. When your skin pores are clogged, dead skin cells are normally the culprits. They prevent the oil from being discharged properly. And so the oil builds up in the pores to create blackheads or whiteheads. Such conditions are hotbeds for bacteria growth which later cause inflammations and pimples. Hormonal changes or the use of artificial hormones such as testosterone may also contribute to acne formation. Sometimes, adult-onset acne has no specific cause. Controlling acne can prove hectic depending on the severity of the pimples. But it is possible if you understand the cause and use the best acne products. Dermatologists recommend a few ingredients to achieve acne-free skin.


You can buy Adapalene over-the-counter to manage acne. It is a type of retinoid that regulates the rate of skin cell regeneration. New cells are healthier and so can keep at bay inflammation and excess oil.

Salicylic Acid

If you are looking for an exfoliating agent, salicylic acid is a good option to work on the outer skin layer or stratum corneum. It can penetrate to remove sebum from the skin pores. This will keep your skin fresh by clearing clogs that have been formed. Since salicylic acid is a form of beta hydroxy acid, it is gentle for all skins including the sensitive types. It works to dissolve bonds that bind dead skin cells to allow the skin to shed. This leaves smooth and brighter skin on your face.

Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide not only treats acne but also helps to kill bacteria that cause skin inflammations. It is a good solution for clearing up clogged pores. Look for the micronized formula that has a longer shelf life and is less irritating. You only need a small amount of Benzoyl peroxide- about a pea-size. Apply it one per day.

If you are ready to take a step in keeping your best acne products under control, the three ingredients should be at the top of your list. When shopping for skincare products, look for non-comedogenic ingredients that will not clog the pores. Always cleanse your face twice per day with gentle cleansers. Harsh products strip the natural oil sebum, posing the opposite effect. They can overstimulate the oil glands to produce more sebum, leaving your skin oily more than ever. After cleaning, follow up the facial routine with moisturizer and sunscreen. If over the counter acne products don’t work, check with a dermatologist to explore more treatment options and prescription meds.

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