Dr. Simeons’ Take on Food and Obesity

During Neolithic times, regular meals turned into a widely adopted standard. Before that, humans ate only when they felt hungry and consumed portions essential to exhaust their hunger. In addition, most of the food was unrefined and raw. The meat was roasted, but not boiled as there were no pots around.

CHRIS WESTMEYER - Pounds and Inches Away Dr. Simeons 350According to Dr. Simeons, the entire structure of a man’s digestive tract is similar to that of a pig, rat or ape, which is altered to accommodate the incessant nibbling. It’s not designed to work with occasional gorging compared to a carnivorous cat’s system. Therefore, the regular meals institution rendered rapidly, placing major emphasis on the ability of the modern man to withstand huge portions of food getting poured into the system suddenly from the intestines.

This institutionalization meant humans had to consume more than what the body needed at the particular time, to help him survive the time before the next meal. The human body was suddenly flooded with nourishment which it didn’t necessarily require.

Three Fat Varieties

There are three types of fat in a human body. The first variety is structural fat that fills the vacuum between different organs, a kind of packing material. The other important functions of structural fat are encapsulating the kidneys in an elastic tissue, safeguarding coronary arteries, and rendering a taut and smooth texture to the skin. The fat also offers a springy hard fat cushion beneath the feet bones, sans which walking wouldn’t be possible.

The second fat variety is a standard fuel reserve that the body can easily fall back to when its nutritional requirements are not aptly met by the intestinal tract. These reserves are spread across the body. Fat packs in biggest caloric values into the tiniest spaces, so that routine fuel is reserved for muscular activity and body temperature maintenance. Both these fat varieties, reserve and structural, are standard, and they won’t contribute to obesity even when packing the body to the brim.

The third fat type is completely abnormal. Obesity or overweight is courtesy the accumulation of this fat variety. This fat type is also a potential fuel reserve, but dissimilar to regular fat reserves, it doesn’t support the body when needed.

When obese people starve and try to decrease their pounds and inches away, the normal fat reserves get depleted first. Structural fat is next in line for exhaustion. The abnormal fat reserves yield only if there isn’t any resort available. However, during this stage, the individual is already terribly hungry and weak. He feels tired and famished, with the face looking haggard and drawn; however, the hips, belly, upper arms and thigh show marginal improvements.

The fat that people want to get rid of remains and the ones essential for covering the bones go thinner. There’s wrinkling all over, with the whole body looking miserable and old. The entire experience can be extremely depressing and frustrating, and which is perhaps the reason why most people don’t resort to dieting for fat loss, or invariably abandon a diet plan half-way through.

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