Whether you looking for ways to boost your monthly income or save more money towards your retirement, there are so many ways to make money today. Other than bonds and stocks, you can actually make money by investing in a cell tower leasing business. But what is a cell phone tower? A cell tower is a site that holds the cellular phone base receiver and connects the cell phone networks to the main grid. The cell sites are supposed to be stationed close to each other for better cell phone connection. Overall, there are thousands of cell towers in the world. The mobile phone companies own fractions of the sites and the rest are leased. Your chance to make money lies in the leasing opportunity. The companies pay very handsomely to lease the sites. Ordinarily, the contracts contain an escalation clause that improves the payments each year.
How do you Make Money via the Leases?
For you to make money with cell tower leases, you should have the right market information. If you have a land property, with an elevated portion or a tall building, you can lease the portion to a cell phone company. For you to manage this, it’s wise to conduct a background search and ask around about cell tower opportunities. If you don’t have the piece of land that fits the profile, you should look for one and convince the owner to sell. You can invest in the mobile phone tower business on a short-term basis by considering any of the following options:
a) Buying and holding: You can actually make money by buying a cell site and its lease from a willing seller. With the escalation clause on the agreement guaranteeing quality returns, you can sell when the time is right. You should identify a cell tower lease owner who wants to sell and give them an offer that they cannot refuse.
b) Opt for a fixer: Many mobile phone tower sites get abandoned by the owner when in poor states. Such old mobile phone tower sites are good opportunities if you can buy and fix them. Many investors make great money by refurbishing such properties. This option allows you to keep the lease after the renovation and make money in the long run.
By and large, mobile phone towers are a great opportunity to invest and make excellent benefits. To invest right, you need to identify the right opportunity within your area and approach the right people to guide you. Doing this will lead help you invest right in the cell tower business.