What is Bail Bond? A bail bond, bail bondsman, or a bail bond company is any entity, organization, or individual that will act as an official surety to an accused and pledge property or money as collateral in return release of an accused from custody in court.
Bond for cash
There are three types of bonds; bond for cash, bonds for property and bail for both. The most common form of a bail bond is a cash bond. This type of bond is often offered by an individual or organization for a fee, but can also be ordered by the court, which is the fastest way to secure an individual’s release. Cash bond typically requires a bond officer to be present at a court hearing and submit an approved bail amount, a bail amount to which the defendant has agreed.
Bond for property
Bond for a property involves collateral, which can be anything from real estate to home. This form of bail is commonly used in cases involving burglary and car theft. To receive this form of a bond, the individual must first present the surety bond as collateral and then pay the agreed-upon amount to the surety bondsman.
Bond for both
Bond for both usually requires that a defendant be charged with a crime to be eligible for a bond. This may include cases involving theft, arson, sexual assault, and some other criminal charges.
Working of Bail Bond Companies
Many bail bonds companies work with many different entities, including law enforcement agencies, private agencies, and even private individuals and organizations.
Surety Bond
One example of a bond that involves two parties is a surety bond. This form of a bond is known as “collateral-based bail.” In this form of a bond, a surety bondsman is also required to be licensed. Still, he acts as a legal cosigner for an individual who has committed a crime and can post the money or collateral for the individual’s release if they are found guilty.
Where to Find the Service
There are many bondsmen and a variety of different businesses, agencies, and organizations that exist to help clients obtain the proper form of bond. These businesses often advertise online or in print publications. They are the best place to start when looking for a surety bond, but the best resource is always the court system or courthouse where the case will be heard. If you are arrested or charged with a felony, you may also be able to look into an out-of-county What is Bail Bond.