If you are a brand manager and looking for a commercial photographer or a freelancer photographer understanding the whole commercial photography pricing formulae is the key to ensure a win-win situation for both parties. After all, as a photographer, your goal is to offer the best and get paid, and since no rules and regulations are governing commercial photography pricing, it is hard for you or the employer to quote a realistic price. But with ideas on how to price your work can help you get the right amount in a moderate contract, keeping in mind most employers always look at your price to evaluate the type and quality of work you can offer. Here are ways you can price your commercial photography projects.
By the Number of Pictures
The number of pictures you take in a day can help you price your work, but this doesn’t mean you overprice one picture. You will be the most expensive choice, which is not a good thing for contracts. So, if the project involves many products, it will be wise if you consider pricing the whole project, but if the project involves fewer images, you can consider pricing each shot.
Number of Hours
This is the best way to price your work as a photographer and also the best for both brand and employer. Take your time and research more about commercial photography and time pricing. You can set your hourly rate at $50 per hour but be sure to search more online and see how other photographers are pricing their work. It will also be good and smart if you set a not that cheap and the most expensive value. A good photographer should be within the employer’s budget, and the best way to be withing these budgets is by setting your price on an optimum market value, not cheap nor expensive.
The Size of the Project
Some clients will require you to conduct the whole project all the way from taking the product pictures to editing and uploading them online. If your project includes these terms, then you should price it differently than a random photo shoot. Take your time to understand the project requirements as it allows you to price and have a rough copy of what is expected of you. Always work in ensuring you provide not only quality but also a service that satisfies your clients and your business values.