The Fire Recruitment Process

Many people since childhood have been interested in serving the community by being a firefighter. Although the opportunities are open to all, various conditions are applied to certify one as a firefighter. To start off the process is the recruitment stage. Fire Recruitment Australia often occurs once per year especially during the start of the year. The recruitment process is advertised on various media platforms including the fire-fighter’s websites.

In the advert, there are a few qualifications listed down that the applicant should fulfill to become viable for the post. The qualification includes educational experience which varies depending on the station, a driving license that is free of any misconduct, good color perception and eyesight that will not require the help of a lens or glasses and they should be physically fit as well. Additionally, the applicants should live close to the firefighter station thus they can arrive within 8 to 15 minutes during an emergency. As the firefighters are also involved in water rescue, they should also be able to swim up to 100 meters or as specified in the qualifications sector.

The Fire Recruitment Australia process

As stated above, the first step in the recruitment process is the advertisement that states the recruitment and qualifications that applicants should meet to be qualified. Often, applications are made online, however, personal and mail submissions are also accepted.

The applicants are then supposed to register as well as they pay an amount of money. The money caters for the physical tests they undergo to assess the capabilities. The next stage of the recruitment process is thus the physical tests. The results of the tests determine who will proceed to the next stage. Those who pass the test are required to submit their resumes which are used in shortlisting the candidates, who will be interviewed and shortlisted further.

The remaining shortlisted candidates will then undergo intense training to ensure that they are properly qualified for the job. The main training topics and skills involve fighting fires, offering career guidance in schools during fire safety training, offering fire safety training in institutions example offices, training on how to rescue stranded pets and animals and training to handle chemical spills. In addition, they are also trained on how to talk to victims of road collisions and how to handle the situation as well as the process of launching rescue boats when searching for missing people in water bodies.

In addition, the fire fighters are also taken through courses to make them efficient firefighters. There are four main types of courses that they take. The courses include breathing apparatus training courses, pump operators course, trauma course and courses to allow them to pass the large goods vehicle test.

After taking the courses and training, the firefighter will become more equipped in handling his or her tasks as a firefighter. To cement the knowledge of the firefighters, they are also taken through practicals or real-life situations to apply the skills. Furthermore, the more they practice their role as firefighters the more they learn about the task thus making them more suitable for the Fire Recruitment Australia.

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