A lot of athletes prefer outdoor training as there is more to see and much to do. Runners would rather pound the pavement or the trails rather than spend hours on the treadmill. At least the views keep changing as they go. They can feel the wind on their face and experience varying terrain. Cyclists can practice their bike handling skills on sharp turns and tricky downhill sections. On the other hand, there are some issues that they must confront when outside such as the weather. Wearing sports sunglasses can bring much comfort in the summer. If you don’t already have a pair, then start shopping while keeping the following in mind:
The frame holds everything together. Naturally, you would want a sturdy frame that can stand the test of time. It should be able to take abuse without flinching. The best ones can fall several times on the ground without getting so much as a scratch. They should also fit well around the head. Some are flexible so users can adjust them as much as they want to. It must be as light as possible so that it will not slide down or bounce too much. Some frames protect the lenses from all side while others focus at the top and let air flow at the bottom.
Training can’t always be scheduled early in the morning when it is still fairly cool and dark. Sometimes you would have to go out there when the sun is high up and just find ways to endure. This includes wearing glasses that have a tint to reduce brightness, enhance contrast, and minimize glare. Your will then be able to look around without hurting your eyes. This is crucial for your safety, particularly if you are running in a crowded track, a busy street, or a technical trail.
UV Protection
There should also be a layer of coating on the lenses to protect you from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Too much exposure can damage the eyes so you can never be too careful. It is better to be safe than to develop macular degeneration, a condition that can eventually lead to a loss of vision. You could also get cataracts and other types of eye problems.
If you wear prescription glasses, then you will probably want to get sports sunglasses that can be fitted with the lenses that you need. Consult your eye doctor for this. It is also possible to get optical inserts. These can be clipped on to the nose piece or to the top of the frame.