Before acting, it is important to be wary of the effects of some operations on the shipping cost policy. For example, moving from a threshold-level policy that unblocks the shipping costs to a no-threshold shipping policy can increase the number of sales by a relatively small amount, or even increase sales, and yet decrease. the benefits if the margins are diminished.
Clearly indicating the amount remaining before the chosen threshold or even offering items to reach this threshold is a real plus to encourage customers to increase the amount of their cart. E-mailing operations on the basis of customers or the good free delivery offered at the end of a transaction helps to build customer loyalty and improve the brand image of the e-commerce site according to the guidelines determined by Market Strategy Consulting.
The delivery costs represent an important aspect for the Internet users, they must be considered as part of the e-commerce marketing strategy. For a relatively small cost, e-merchants can choose to assume all or part of the delivery costs to improve their sales. Propose thresholds to increase the average cart.
The determination of the amount threshold must result from calculations (depending on the margins achieved in particular) and from tests to determine the threshold allowing the largest (and profitable) increase in the average cart. Communicate extensively to increase the conversion rate.
The shipping cost policy of an e-commerce site must remain simple and understandable. A study conducted by Market Strategy Consulting in 2008 indicates that 43% of Internet users abandon their shopping cart because of surprisingly high shipping costs. Communicate from the homepage, on each page (including product sheets) and throughout the purchase process site policy regarding shipping (especially if they are offered) can reassure users and avoid unpleasant surprises at the end of the buying process.
E-merchants shipping outside certain cleared areas must likewise communicate in the most transparent manner the taxes that the customer will have to pay upon receipt of the items, to avoid any surprise to the customer, and therefore a bad advertising. In the event of a limited free delivery offer (for Christmas for example), it is very important to announce clearly the deadline of the free delivery offer.
This is aimed at reassuring the user and push him to a quick purchase. If an e-commerce site can afford to offer sustainable shipping, it is best not to forget to include in the metadata (or in the title) of its pages mentions of the type free shipping in order to enhance its offer and be found on the search engines.
Offering or decreasing shipping costs allows you to destock certain items or acquire new customers through a product appeal effect, as can for example benefit online stores (fees offered for books, clothes and shoes).