Kit homes offer property owners with a quick and easy way to build a livable structure. This can function as the main dwelling or as a secondary unit for guests. They can also be used as a hobby room, a man cave, a she shed, a home office, a granny flat, or a short-term rental. The cost will vary across different manufacturers and models. If you are keen on reducing your expenses for this project, then consider the following major influences on kit home prices:
Floor Area
Just like in traditional homes, the biggest price determinant when buying kit home prices is the size of the unit. All things being equal, you will pay more with a larger floor area. You have to consider just how much you really need. Think creatively so that you can fit everything you need in the smallest area possible. For example, you might utilize the walls of a unit for extra storage so you won’t require as much space as you initially thought. You could also use slim and multi-function furniture to make the rooms pull double duty. Check tiny homes to see clever space-saving ideas in action.
Quality of Materials
Another thing to consider is the quality of the materials used in the kit home. Manufacturers will often offer a standard configuration for the cheapest price. Buyers can upgrade certain parts with better materials for more impressive finishes if they want to. These will increase the cost but some might find these worth their money. Think about whether the base configuration is good enough for you since you can save a lot by sticking to this. You can always upgrade later if you really want to. Perhaps you might be persuaded to get the better structural materials from the start as this will require too much hassle to upgrade.
Cost of Installation
If you want to reduce the overall cost, then you have to think of the cost of installation as well. Getting the materials is only the beginning. You will have to piece everything together so that they can form a nice home. If you have tackled DIY projects before, then you could try to do the assembly yourself along with your mates. It can be a good learning experience. Otherwise, you might pay the supplier extra for the labor cost. Professionals can come in and do it for you. Experts should be able to do it better and faster.