How To Teach Basic Reading For Kids

If you want to teach basic reading for kids, you need commitment and dedication to duty. This is because teaching kids how to read is a challenging and complicated task. Even if you know the subject matter, passing the message across to children is difficult. This is where you have to be innovative and creative to deliver the goods. Below are some ways to teach reading in an effective manner.

Plan Your Work

Now, this sounds easy but it is not quite as easy as it sounds. The question is how exactly do you create a teaching plan that works? The secret is to break your plan into small units and use each one judiciously.

Use Story Books

One way to introduce children to the joys of reading is to use storybooks. Get some of the most popular storybooks and read out the stories to the kids. Of course, they will enjoy the stories and now you have their attention. Tell them the words in the storybooks represent symbols and that they can read the books themselves if they understand these symbols.

Use Flash Cards

Another smart way to teach reading is to use flashcards. Get many of these cards with images and spellings of familiar objects like cars, cats, cups, mats, eggs, and boxes. Now, explain to the kids that the word below each image is the spelling of the word. The kids will find this intriguing and fascinating. Now, you have their attention and you can move on to start teaching the kids two-letter words and three-letter words.

Use Cramming Technique

Some early education experts believe children should not be taught to cram but this writer does not agree with this view. Cramming at an early level helps young people develop their memory. For this reason, you can use this to teach oral reading. Just print out a list of two-letter and three-letter words. These words should familiar with things the kids can easily remember. Examples are C for the cat, D for the dog, M format, etc.

Teach the Kids to Put Words Together

Now, you have taught the kids how to recognize two-letter and three-letter words. The next step is to teach them how to put words together. Again, you must start with very simple words. Examples, “a cat sat on the mat”, “the hat is on the box” etc. Practice these drills over and over with the kids and they will learn to read effectively. This is how to teach basic reading for kids.

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