People who are injured on the job or develop a condition due to their workplace environment are entitled to wage replacement and benefits through workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation protects both workers and their employers as in exchange for receiving wage replacement and benefits, workers waive their rights to sue their employers for damages that could bankrupt them and the company. When it comes to filing workplace injury claims, there are important factors to keep in mind.
Reporting the Injury
When it comes to sustaining an injury in the workplace, it is key to report it to your employer as soon as possible. Common workplace injuries are caused by slips and falls, machinery malfunctions, and falling items. Regardless of how you sustained your injury, the one reaction that should characterize any action is immediate reporting. Reporting the accident to your employer does not only ensure that the accident and related injury is documented by your superior, it also ensures that your injury is known to have occurred during work hours and in the workplace environment.
Seeking Medical Attention
After reporting the accident to your employer, the next important step to take is to seek medical attention. Your medical exam will likely consist of an interview portion and the actual physical exam. Now, if this is an independent medical exam, the doctor is likely selected by the insurance company or Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). The important thing to remember is while the doctor is supposed to be neutral and non-biased, they often are more loyal to whomever is paying them; in these cases, it is the company’s insurance carrier or WCB.
During the interview, the doctor will attempt to ascertain whether or not your injury could be related to a pre-existing condition. If they determine that it is, your claim is weakened and could result in you not receiving benefits at all or in receiving less benefits and wage replacement for shorter amounts of time. You will want to keep all of this in mind while you are going through your medical exam. The physical portion of the exam consists of regular check-ups such as your heart and blood pressure; this is to gauge your overall health at the time of the accident.
When it comes to being hurt in the workplace, there are parameters in place to protect both the workers and their employees. When it comes to filing a workplace injury claim, the process starts with reporting the injury and the nature of the accident to your superior as quickly as possible to ensure the accident is documented.