There is increasing trend to develop childcare centers inspired by the nature. These centers not only provide a safe playground environment; they also incorporate lots of natural elements to make the center a better place for young children. Parents understand the importance of outdoor activities for their young children. Playground centers are designed keeping in mind the special needs of young children. Children admitted to childcare centers with only indoor area do not enjoy being there. In natural playground centers, they enjoy a more open and natural area. They love the freedom of being in a natural environment where they are allowed to explore their creativity. Childcare Playscapes can design and construct custom playscapes according to the specific needs of a natural childcare center.
A Childcare Playscapes natural playground center has all usual elements that are commonly found in childcare centers. Additionally, there are lots of natural elements like wooden tree houses, stones, logs, grass, shrubs, trees, water and sand. There is sufficient space for all children to play and run. Children are provided different types of prefabricated and natural materials. They can use these materials to construct different types of items. It helps them explore their creative side.
Traditional playgrounds generally have sterile and monotonous environment. There is not much open space and natural elements are missing. It is too synthetic and does not allow children to connect with the nature. Natural playgrounds, on the other hand, have a large number of natural structures and items. The ground is designed to help children develop their physical and mental skills. Children staying in such a center learn how to socialize, collaborate and work in a group. They cooperate confidently with other children. There are many items that children can use to experiment. It lets them express their creativity.
Young children cannot be placed directly in the formal school system. They are not prepared for such a structured environment if they never attended preschool playground center. This is not the way to shape them and help in their overall development. In their initial years, they learn better through playful activities. While these activities at a preschool center may look playful, the underlying goal is to develop their physical and mental skills. The natural playground elements designed by Childcare Playscapes improve physical fitness, balance, confidence and muscle coordination of children. They learn appropriate behaviors that prove useful to them when they enter a formal school environment. Children who have attended natural playgrounds in their formative years show better academic performance in later years.
Children enjoy being in a playground that incorporates natural elements. These centers have all types of usual playground equipments like monkey bars, slides, climbers, seesaws and swings. Children going to such a center for the first time are hesitant only during the first few days. Once they become familiar with the environment, they start liking the place. The playground activities are fun and enjoyable. Childcare Playscapes team combines both natural and synthetic elements creatively to make playground equipments that are suitable for young children.