The best service providers in the website hosting industry share the same qualities. When looking for a hosting company to host your business or personal website, therefore, you have to make a list of the best Australian web hosting companies then narrow down your search from there based on a number of factors. That said, below are some common attributes of the top hosting firms in Australia:
i) Variety of Packages
The best hosting firms offer a wide range of packages to meet the hosting needs of different types of clients. This is because they understand that the hosting needs of a milti-billion dollar Australian company are not the same as the needs of a plumber looking to improve their online visibility. Some common packages include dedicated server hosting, VPS hosting, cloud server hosting and shared hosting plans. Depending on your needs, you can choose a plan that suits your needs.
ii) Competitive Pricing
The best firms have many clients, so they can afford to lower costs as their profitability depends on their large clientele. Therefore, they have competitive pricing. Their hosting plans are not the cheapest in the market, but they are also not the most expensive.
iii) Highly Reliable
The reliability of a hosting company is the most important factor to consider when looking for a hosting firm. You do not want your site to be down at times due to server-related problems. Therefore, the ideal hosting firm should guarantee at least 99.99% server up-time. The good news is that the best hosting firms have well managed data centers and servers, so their reliability is in the range of 99.99%. When looking for a hosting company, therefore, you should read reviews to find out if a company offers the most reliable hosting service.
iv) Great Features
It is important to note that the dedicated, shared, VPS and cloud hosting services offered by different firms are not the same. The best hosting companies normally provide clients with top of the range features, such as ultra-modern servers with powerful processors and a large RAM. Most firms also offer servers with SSD storage instead of HDD to improve speed and performance. They also have multiple layers of redundancy for both the network and power systems.
v) Rave Reviews
The top hosting firms in Australia have rave reviews from different quarters. For instance, you will find positive reviews from both users and experts. By reading these reviews, you can find out everything you need to know about a given hosting service. This will enable you to make a well-informed decision.