The coronavirus has forced millions to stay in their homes for a few months now. Many are dreaming of an end to this pandemic so they can finally be free to go where they want to. The beaches and the mountains come to mind — anything that is more scenic than the four walls of their rooms. The problem is how to afford vacations at a time like this when job loss is common and the economy is fragile. Below are just some of the ways that this could be done by anyone:
Save Money
The cheapest route to affording anything at all is to save for it. Deal with the pain today so that you can enjoy life tomorrow. Mobility restrictions may persist for a while so you still have lots of time to shave a bit off your budget and place it in your travel loan. Set aside a small sum each payday and you watch it grow with time. By spending ready cash, you won’t have to stress about paying things back later on. You can enjoy your holiday to the fullest.
Modify Your Trips
Another way to make the trips affordable is to modify them to suit your budget. Ask yourself why you wish to go to your preferred destination. Distill this to its essence and find a more reasonable alternative. For example, a grand European tour sounds lovely but perhaps you could focus on one or two major capitals instead of going full throttle right away. A visit to the Caribbean could be amazing but maybe you could head to a local beach for now.
Use a Credit Card
If cash is not available, then you could fund your travels with a credit card. Make sure that you have enough space for this so that you don’t reach your credit limit right away. Credit cards tend to charge a high-interest rate for loans so be careful with this. Pay them back right away to avoid penalties and other charges. Indeed, some credit cards offer free miles so you can use these to build up your freebies.
Get Travel Loans
Lastly, you may try your luck at getting a travel loan. Online lenders offering this service have boomed over the past few years. They can entertain applicants with below-average credit ratings as long as there is proof of income and favorable travel history. The interest rates are generally lower than what you can get with credit cards.